Stowe talks

Episode 21 Domestic abuse - how can a family lawyer help?

Stowe talks Season 3 Episode 21

In this episode, Matt & Liza look at the role a family lawyer can play to help survivors of domestic abuse, the injunction orders available, and the impact of domestic abuse on financial settlements and making arrangements for children in a divorce case.

They walk through the role of the two injunction orders available: non-molestation and an occupation order, how to apply for them, how the applications are handled in the family court, and the powers they have. 

They also talk about how allegations of domestic abuse can impact a child arrangements case, and the minimal impact it has on financial settlements.  

And discuss the limitation of using mediation in cases where there is domestic abuse and a power imbalance, and how the family court system can become another tool for perpetrators to abuse their survivor. 

If you need support with the issues raised in this podcast, or would like to speak to a family lawyer, contact Stowe at: 

If you need support with the issues raised in this podcast, or would like to speak to a family lawyer, contact Stowe at:

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