Stowe talks

Episode 24: Parenting alongside a narcissist Dr Supriya McKenna - Part two

Stowe talks Season 4 Episode 24

In the second part of this episode, Dr Supriya McKenna, a highly experienced specialist narcissism expert, continues to share her advice and practical tools and techniques for people trying to parent alongside a narcissist. 

(You can access the first part of this episode here.)

We pick the conversation back up as she explores the role of parallel parenting and how to help children understand the narcissist behaviours and deal with the way they respond by validating their experience and emotions. 

She then continues with tips and advice on how to manage communication with the narcissist, how to keep any contact to a complete minimum, the importance of changing your response, and the power of the grey rock technique. 

She explains the power of learning how to build resilience and take back your power, so that you can raise the threshold of what triggers you, how to manage anxiety and fear by labelling and understanding your emotional responses, and using breath work, mediation and mindfulness to support you. 

And finally, she talks about the role of the family court, how it is rarely a salvation, but that detailed child arrangements orders for parenting plans can buy you a couple of years of reduced conflict. 

She closes with the final thoughts that this too shall pass, children grow up, the narcissist influence often fades and there is hope.

Dr Supriya’s previous podcasts

Divorcing or separating from a narcissist 

Rebuilding your life after narcissistic abuse

If you need support with the issues raised in this podcast, or would like to speak to a family lawyer, contact Stowe at:

Additional resources 

Divorcing or separating from a narcissist - Understanding toxic relationships -
Rebuilding your life after narcissistic abuse:
Domestic abuse: how can a family lawyer help?

If you need support with the issues raised in this podcast, or would like to speak to a family lawyer, contact Stowe at:

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