Stowe talks

Episode 32: Recognising and dealing with economic abuse

Stowe talks Season 4 Episode 32

A staggering 95% of survivors of domestic abuse experience economic abuse, leaving them isolated, trapped, dependent and confused. 

So, we asked Tamsin Caine, a Chartered Financial Planner from Smart Divorce, to join us to look at how to recognise the signs of economic abuse and what you can do about it. 

A financial specialist in advising people going through a divorce or separation. Tamsin covers: 

  • What is economic abuse? 
  • What are the red flags of economic abuse 
  • What is the effect of the abuse on survivors? 
  • Reducing the stigma around economic abuse 
  • The support available for survivors 
  • The role of financial education and empowerment 
  • The importance of building a support team 
  • How to access support with limited financial resources 
  • How to take back control of finances 

And, a powerful message for survivors on how to rebuild your life following the abuse to create a financially stable and safe life.

Support with economic abuse

Economic abuse rarely happens in isolation. It often occurs alongside other forms of domestic abuse. If you are in immediate danger, call the police on 999.

You can access help and support from the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or the Mankind Initiative support helpline: 01823 334 244 

For support with economic abuse, please contact the charity Surviving Economic Abuse, at and Respect: Mens Advice Line:

If you need support with the issues raised in this podcast, or would like to speak to a family lawyer, contact Stowe at: 

Additional information

If you need support with the issues raised in this podcast, or would like to speak to a family lawyer, contact Stowe at:

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