Stowe talks

Episode 39: The realities of high-net-worth divorce

Stowe talks Season 5 Episode 39

High-net-worth divorce brings its own unique challenges, especially around understanding, valuing and dividing complex earning structures, assets and pensions, often with international elements. 

In this episode, Ceri Griffiths a chartered financial planner specialising in supporting women divorcing high earners shares her advice on how to navigate the unique issues that high-net-worth divorce can bring. 

01:43 What is a high net worth divorce? 
03:40 Common power imbalances in high-net-worth marriages 
05:00 The lack of knowledge and understanding around finances 
05:40 The prevalence of narcissism in CEOs and challenges
08:55 What is the sharing principle in divorce?
10:00 The legal bit on needs v sharing in divorce 
14:04 The importance of due diligence 
15:30 Understanding complex earning structures 
21:19 Challenges of Private Equity and Hedge Managers remuneration
23:48 The division of assets and Wells sharing 
27:14 Understanding what you need for the future and life post-divorce
28:50 What is cashflow forecasting, and how does it help? 
31:18 Looking beyond the 50/50 percentages
32:10 Specific challenges of high-net-worth divorce 
33:14 Breaking the gold digger myth
34:00 Getting a final outcome you can live with 
36:35 Ceri’s top tips for people going through a high-net-worth divorce 

Additional resources

Taking control of your finances on separation:  
Understanding pensions on divorce:  
Divorcing or separating from a narcissist: 
Recognising and dealing with economic abuse: 
How to prepare for your financial settlement: 

If you need support with the issues raised in this podcast, or would like to speak to a family lawyer, contact Stowe at:

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